Sunday, March 11, 2012


I never saw myself as a writer. I came into this thinking it would be a good learning experience. It is!  I expected this to be much more anonymous that it feels.  There is a community forming here I’m starting to recognize names and seeing people unfold their lives for us.  I don’t know if I would have dared to start this had I known how personal this can feel.
I’m learning, and that is why I started this adventure.  I expect my Kindergarten and Young 5’s students to write every day.  Now I’m holding myself to that standard.  I’ve realized it’s difficult.  I’ve found that some days have been rough at work and at home, and I have a hard time settling in.  I compose, delete, and repeat.  Finally I take a deep breath and just write!   I post it and scurry away from my laptop.    
Making comments is hard for me.  I want to affirm others work.   I realized after only 4 days of writing my Slices how valuable writers find affirmation. I shared my new knowledge with colleagues and I got blank stares.   Building on this experience I’ve tried to affirm my students in more meaningful ways and now understand why some insist I read their piece even when our Writers Workshop time is done.  March is busy, report cards, data entry deadlines, Family Reading night, an after school technology in-service , training on a new assessment and conferences.  What was I thinking?  Oh Yeah, that this would make me a better teacher, and at Day 11, it has.  Thanks!


  1. "I shared my new knowledge with colleagues and got blank stares." This line really resonates for me! I feel that I have gone hurdling into some strange new society through this SOL challenge...I am learning so very, very much, being so much more of an observer of my students by day (and I thought I was good before!)...thinking about writing all the time. I totally agree - it is making me a better teacher. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I Am so glad you are slicing. The power of a comment is so important. Keep sharing. Your slices are important.
