Monday, March 14, 2016


I wish we could bank sleep.  I went to bed early Saturday, and Sunday night too.  It didn’t work.  I spent the day feeling like I had jet lag.  I realized my students felt the same way.  Multiple minor misbehaviors and whininess were rampant in the classroom.  Or maybe it was just me.  I am tired and not on my A game.  Maybe I can’t bank sleep, but I’m going to try tonight to pay back what my body thinks it needs.


  1. You were not alone in this feeling today. I hope tomorrow is much, much better!

  2. I am feeling the same way. I was just writing how I was shocked at what a great day I had with my students. I'm hoping that tomorrow the ball doesn't drop. Good luck catching up!

  3. I know how you feel. I like the idea of doing away with time changing, but I want them to leave it like it is so we have longer days. ;)

  4. I'm with you, Lori! My life would be enriched if I could bank sleep.

  5. Hope you had the chance to rest and feel rested.
