Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Today “Steve” went home ill at noon.  The past 3 weeks have been rough.  He’s had some strange symptoms.  I know he’s been to our local hospital’s ER, to his pediatrician, and to a regional children’s hospital.  No one has found anything.
Usually he’s bright and very busy!  
In recent weeks he’s been so uncomfortable.  He has cries out in pain and his coloring doesn't look right.  The times I've seen his pain he’s gone from engaged in play or work, to sobs.  He’s missed things he really likes, this isn't acting.

Yesterday he spent playtime just sitting, cuddling up to a soft chair.  Today at lunch recess he was curled up on his side in a snowbank complaining about his head. Usually I’m drawn to slice things that make me laugh, but this is making me fearful. 


  1. I understand how you feel - these kids really become our kids. Seeing him in pain must be awful. I hope he's got loving parents who are taking good care of him, and I hope he's feeling better soon.

  2. Poor little boy! I hope they can help him and that he is back to normal soon.
