Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Cards and Letters

My husband has been slowly going through the contents of his mother’s house.  He’s sorting all the precious things she’d saved in 93 years of life.  The clippings, cards, and letters she so carefully saved are a glimpse into what she held dear.  Tonight as he sat at the table reading the 64 year old cards and notes sent to congratulate them on his birth I was struck with how rarely I take the time to write a note or card.  I’m quick to text and e-mail, but the slowly scribed note, not often. 
Perhaps it’s because it’s slow. Or because paper doesn’t have spell check?  I freely admit I hate my handwriting!  But the people I love and care for the most are going to get a card….at least for this year.


  1. There is nothing more wonderful than getting a caed in the mail! My mom was a great card sender. We lived less than an hour apart, but I always looked forward to my daily mailbox trip to see if mom had sent something.

  2. The cards I cherish the most are the ones from my mother, who passed too soon. One of my favorite things to do is send cards to my students' homes letting them know how proud I am of them or thanking them for a gift. It is completely unexpected, and they love it!

  3. I am very similar to his mother. I actually have some cards laminated that I don't want to lose or have ruined. <3 I'm sure those people will be very pleased to know you are thinking of them so much to take those few extra moments to send something!
