Our second car is a pickup truck. My husband loves to be
able to transport lawnmowers, snow blowers and other large items when needed. Our current pickup is growing old, and not
gracefully. The last time we did some
repairs we promised ourselves we wouldn’t put any more money into the aged vehicle.
Today we saw a used truck for sale. We were on the way to church, with my
encouragement my husband called and asked to see it this evening. The seller is a farmer. She raises beef, pork, lamb, eggs and poultry
to sell at farmer’s markets.
As we pulled into the gravel drive I began to remember the
parts of living on a farm I didn’t enjoy.
Our white car sunk down into the newly thawed soil. I heard the squish of mud and hoped that the chickens and ducks wandering the yard hadn’t deposited anything else there for
me to step upon.
As my husband looked over the truck and talked to the seller
I listened to the geese and marveled at the noise a gaggle of geese makes. As we rode in the bright red truck I noticed
while the interior was very clean the farm dog must have ridden in the truck at
some point. I think that pup was wet when
it got a ride.
We’re going to have a mechanic look over the truck before
making an offer. If we buy it I’ll be taking
a long stroll down memory lane, I haven’t driven a standard transmission in
years. I sure hope that skill comes back
I'm sure driving stick shift will come back quickly, I loved the description of the farm with all of your senses.