I shared in my comments with another Slicer on Sunday, March 1st,
the first day of slicing, that I’m not very good at doing anything every day, for more than a week. I wrote this after a trip to the grocery
store and a dash to the kitchen to start a hearty Sunday dinner that would
yield leftovers for several other meals.
I resolved, while at the grocery store, to follow those good health
recommendations of filling half the plate with vegetables. I filled my basket with asparagus for oven roasting,
and a beautiful acorn squash. I started
the entree and turned on the oven to preheat for my veggies.
I love the first day of March, so many new pieces! I read and commented. When I looked up from the laptop an hour had
passed. The entree was nearly done; the
squash and asparagus -- still in the grocery bags next to my purse. I hadn't
even squirreled- away the bag of chocolates I’d planned on hiding.
I’m hoping I don’t
lose my focus on Slicing as quickly as I did with my veggie preparation!
Ha!!! So good to know I am not the only one who can be distracted :-) I'm not very good at doing something every day either. Hopefully we can both reach deep inside ourselves and meet this challenge head-on! Thanks for sharing.