Last summer I was invited to go to Europe with my husband to
plan a trip for his employer. For the
past 22 years we’ve taken at least one trip a year. I’ve learned I don’t do well on long airplane
trips: the cramped space, stale air and nothing to do makes me fidget. Flights to Europe are difficult because I can
never sleep as we fly east. I always
take plenty of reading material. This is
the time I wish I weren’t such a fast reader. As we planned to fly from Detroit
to Toronto, and onto Athens I was ready.
I had many new books on Kindle, and I don’t mind rereading books if I
have to. All plans changed when my Kindle
would not work. Suddenly I was facing 10
or more hours in the air, multiple 2 hour flights between destinations and
several days at sea with nothing to read!
After searching the internet for suggestions and fixes I tried multiple ideas. One even included me untwisting a paperclip, to press some unseen spot. It didn't work. Several posters
suggested pressing buttons and flipping switches. No luck. I accepted the inevitable, I'd have to pay airport prices for many books.
The flight to Athens was long. I read long into the night. I kept trying to
find a magic combination of Kindle reboots.
Nothing! We finally landed and were escorted to our
hotel. Exhausted we headed to our room
for a quick nap. Ever hopeful, I used my converter to
plug in my Kindle charger. I flipped the
on/off switch for the hundredth time. It
came back to life!
For the rest of the trip I was able to use my reader, but I
never really trusted that it would work.
Several times it would shut down in the middle of a book, I’d turn it
back on to find I had to flip through the book to find my place. A week
or two after we returned from Europe my Kindle died for the final time. Well timed, our kids had just bought me a new
one for my birthday.
I've recently started reading books on my iPad. I kinda like it, but really only love it when I'm traveling. That said, I just got a printed copy of Brown Girl Dreaming which I can't wait to sit down with, hold, and read tonight!
ReplyDeleteOh, this would have driven me crazy ! Truly, annoying...making for a difficult journey. How odd that it just started working again, later. This is what I find so frustrating about technology - we simply can't know!!!