He cried so hard the first days of school I was afraid he
would make himself sick. I found him
friends, held his hand and rubbed his back.
We took walks, found amazing toys to play with and still he’d burst into
tears. Mom said he’d never really been
away from her, but I wondered if it was more.
In October Mrs. M. worked with him every morning for 15
minutes, or for whatever time was left after washing his face and hands. Sometimes one wipe would do, many times it
took more.
In November he still couldn’t identify his name when
surrounded by 2 other very different names.
I keep trying to help him learn more.
December, Jingle Bells, is sung with the letters of his name
MANY times each day. Finally, he can
identify his name, and say the letters in his name, five letters, no more.
Starting in January I had Mrs. M work alone with him for 45
minutes each day. When she was out for a
day, he was NOT happy! Now he can write
his name, if the a and u aren't reversed I will still celebrate it more.
We had a team meeting in January and we agreed some testing
should be done but the psychologist is so so over worked. It has been months! Now he knows 1 and 2. Next 1,2,3, finally he recognizes 1-6, on a
good day even more (once).
The testing began. Oh no, he’s out sick. Wait another week or maybe even more!
Will all his gains
keep him for qualifying for extra help? Almost,
but today he qualifies for special education.
He will have a small group, a teacher who will guard his needs. Most of all he won’t spend most of the day
being asked to do things that are so hard for him. No tears, no more!
And his teacher?
Well, she feels like she opened the BEST gift ever, for him! For now he will get MORE help.