Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I Can See Clearly Now

I’ve worn glasses since I first got my cat eye blue specs in first grade.  I replaced them with contacts when my dear sister put me in a yellow dress and yellow floppy hat for her wedding in the early 1980’s. Glasses didn’t work in that scenario, so I switched to contacts! About ten years ago, when I moved to kindergarten and caught every cold the students had, I decided to give up my contacts.  I’ve had my current glasses for the past 3 years.  Every year my script changes a little bit.  I guess three little bits makes a blur. 
Since I’m terribly indecisive about my glasses I waited to pick out a new pair until our daughter visited.  This inability to choose is possibly connected to my first mistake in eye fashion in the early 1960’s.  Today I finally remembered, before the office closed, to go pick them up.  I texted a photo to our daughter for her approval as I left the office.    I waited for my husband to notice the larger plastic style.  There is quite a difference from the small metal rectangle shape I've worn for three or four years.  We talked, made dinner and even ate dinner, no reaction.  Finally, as we sat chatting after doing the dishes he said, “Amy just texted me to tell me  notice your glasses.” 
I wonder what my 5 year olds will say tomorrow.  I’m thinking it will be more dramatic.


  1. Perfect slice of REAL life! Enjoy your kiddos reactions. They will be shocked for sure. Picking out glasses is the worst in my opinion as well.

  2. I am 98% sure your kids will notice and provide a discerning critique. It was lovely of your daughter to text your husband and very silly of him to tell you-- a perfect opportunity for spousal points foiled....
